18 February 2008

Mea culpa

Hello, all. It's been ages since my last post. SORRY! I've been busy with my normal career--you know, writing and TV and stuff :)

But keep an eye out on this blog. I'll put together a mishmash of my foodie experiences over the last couple months to make a mega-post full of info and pics. Maybe a recipe or two, too!

The Amateur Chef


Adrian said...

Hey! I was wondering where you went. It doesn't have any pictures, but you might be interested in one of my recent posts:
Cheese Tasting

Amateur chef said...

Quite a class you're taking. I wish we'd had wurst tastings in my German classes...

By the way, those little pickles? They sound like cornichon--tiny, sour, with a hint of sweetness that comes from the brine used in the pickling process (whether the sweetness come from sugar or a sweet-ish wine vinegar is beyond my knowledge).

Adrian said...

yep. Cornichons, that's what they were called. Thanks.